Saturday, February 7, 2009

Welcome to the randomness of me! I have been meaning to post for some time now, but recent adventures in life have put a slight (2 month...or maybe 3month) delay on my posts. My life has been changing at a rapid speed; new career path, marriage, beginning my Masters, and much more...and I want to share my
thoughts, memories, expectations, likes, dislikes,inspirations,struggles,joys,opinions and everything else in between with you in a wee attempt to stay in touch. Disregard spelling errors and improper time to correct,but I know you will love me anyways, right?

Any who, I'm was currently in the midst of reading 30 sum pages about Philosophical Ideas in Education for my Orientation to Teaching course (for those of you who don't know, I am back in school to get my Masters of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Education at Armstrong Atlantic State University) and I my mind started floating off into the world of music. My good friend Erin just bought us tickets to see Neko Case who is coming to Savannah soon. Erin cracks me up because I have NEVER heard Neko's music before, but she figured I would really like it so she treated. SOOOOOooooooooo, I just youtubed Neko and Erin was right. I really like her music and I am psyched to go to the concert. Thought you might enjoy hearing her too, so her is the link to one of her songs. Maybe Sparrow. Can't wait to hear her live! Yippy.

Ok. Back to work. I want to get my homework done before Valentine's Day weekend. Ben and I are going to be having Ryan and Maryann Nichols (close friends from AL) stay with us for the weekend and I want to be the best hostest I can be, and that doesn't include HW.

WOW. What a relief to finally post something! I promise there are a lot more wonderful things to come. I plan to make a couple tributes to important events that have happened in the past year, and also post a couple inspiration "boards" dedicated to some of the fabu people in my life...aka Emily Moo Moo Frank.

Tata for tonight.
