Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gunpowder, Here We Come!

I never imagined that Ben and I would be able to buy our first home within the first year of our marriage, but our dream is coming true! We recently made an offer on this cozy home and our offer was accepted! There is so much to share, but this post will have to be brief since I am in the midst of Urinetown rehearsals and I need to run out the door, but let me give you the stats:

Location: Battery Point on Wilmington Island
1,214 sq ft
3 Bedrooms
2 Baths
1 Car Garage (Perfect for Ben's BMW)
Fenced-in Backyard (Perfect for Quinnie)
Open floor plan
Built in 1989
All new Appliances

I'll share our big/budget friendly remodeling ideas on my next post.

Ain't she pretty?

Just say a prayer that everything in the next few weeks goes smoothly for us.
I am the luckest girl I know!

Ben and our Realtor, Dan Akins-he's worked his butt off for us.

Lovely fireplace leading up to a vaulted ceiling!

A view from the living room into the kitchen area...we have many plans for this area. Ohh lala...skylights

The front door is to your right. Welcome!

Don't judge the kitchen...she will get a makeover sooner than later.
Note the new appliances.

The closed door to the right leads to the garage. Notice the pantry room!!! Yes, I said ROOM. And Ben likes the fact that there is a water spout on the fridge. Ice cold water. aaaahhhh.

My pantry.....hehehehe. Envision shelves full of mandarin oranges, green beans, Bisquick, and brownie mix. (ha) Oh and don't forget the Saltines for Ben.

A view from the living room into the dinning room. Think tiger strand bamboo flooring and a soft blue hue on the wall.

Sliding doors leading out to the deck.

View from the 1st guest bedroom/office. The door at the far right leads into the guest bathroom/laundry room and the door to the left leads to the 2nd guest bedroom/Ben's studio. At the end of the hall leads to the Master bedroom/love shack.

love shack

Master bath

Master "walk in" closet. We'll be living a life of luxury.

1st guest bedroom/office

2nd guest bedroom/Ben's studio

Guest bathroom

Guest bathroom leading into laundry room.

Laundry room. I can't believe we are going to have our very own washer and dryer!!!!

BMW House

Side of the house leading to the backyard. I see many nights sitting out on the porch grilling out looking up at the starry sky. I can't wait!!!

The backyard. Quinnie is going to be in heaven!

x's & o's,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Velveteen Morning

I had heard from a little bird that there was going to be an estate sale above a florist shop early Saturday morning. So I got up, bright and early, and made my way to the sale. With a budget of $20 I was looking for a bargain, and I definitely found one. The minute I walked into the room I spotted these gorgeous velvet leaves and roses. Each bag was only $3! The flowers are the perfect accent for any wedding gift, or to dress up a birthday card envelope. I just couldn't resist. While I was carrying the bags of flowers I fell upon the woven basket, which was perfect to hold my new finds. SO, I bought it all for a "pricey" $11. Then on my way back to the house with my new treasures I spotted a garage sale in Ardsley Park. There I found a side table with lots of potential for only $7. I arrived home with still $2 to spare! wink.

From CW with Love

Home Sweet Home: Living Room Addition

A few weeks ago, while Ben was out of town at a disc golf tournament, I decided to switch around the living room. I had told myself a while back that I wasn't going to bother with decorating anymore because we are planning to move in August, but I just couldn't resist.
I have always had a love for all things vintage/antique. Possibly attributed to my time growing up in Europe and looking for treasures in the local Brocantes, or searching out trinkets on our different travels. Recently I have been re-inspired to go out garage saling, estate saling, and antique hunting. Surprise, surprise. I come home with something new each time! I recently rediscovered Habersham Antiques (HA) which helped us finish our living room set for the time being. The "coffee" table in the center of the room was an old ship hatch from the WWII Liberty Ships built here in Savannah. It was stuffed away in a corn at HA priced at only $150. I later looked online to see how much a table like that might go for on ebay and I found that some sell from $500 to over a $1000 bucks!!! What a steal. Then on the same trip I feel upon the blue vintage couch for only $125. We also found 1960's Shaw-Walker Chair in amazing condition, so we decided to add that to the bunch too.
Some other fun things you'll find in the living room is a collection of artwork by friends ofcourse, my lovey, Ben. The Confederate Zombie feels right at home. Please note the orange retro lamps. Mama Ward picked those up for Ben and I at good ol' Tj's during our last trip home. Also, a special thanks to my friendly neighbor for lending me her curtains. They really soften up the room. Someday, in our future home, everything won't be crammed into one room, but for now I think it looks comfy and eclectic. Just the way the Ward's like it.

Tata & Love, CW